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Health + Wellbeing

Funding focus areas:

  • Increase access to fresh, healthy foods
  • Provide supplemental nutritional resources to families and children facing food insecurity
  • Support optimal health for kids and their families through healthy eating education and training opportunities.
  • Community Infrastructure and Programming support designed to encourage healthy and active lifestyles.
  • Support mental wellbeing practices such as meditation and anxiety reduction or coping techniques that lead to a healthy mindset

Target audiences:

  • Children
  • Families and single parent households with school-aged children
  • Rural and urban communities
  • Traditionally underserved populations


Funding focus areas:

  • Workforce & Entrepreneurship skill education
  • Livelihood Education: Training and Development of life skills that support individuals to thrive (ex. financial literacy or basic management skills such as teamwork, problem-solving, etc.)
  • Youth mentorship
  • Youth leadership development
  • Support addressing the individual and contextual barriers that hinder economic empowerment of marginalized and underserved populations

Target audiences:

  • Women and girls
  • Youth
  • Traditionally underserved populations

Amway Grant Eligibility Requirements

Are you eligible?

  • The applicant must be a 501(c)(3) nonprofit
  • The offices of the organization are located, and primarily serves, our focus areas within Kent County, MI.
  • Application must demonstrate the community need AND have associated outcomes
  • If the applicant is a house of worship, it must demonstrate that it operates a social service program that is open to the public and involves no religious activities

Please note: Amway will consider funding portions of proposed projects, and collaborative projects will be given priority.

Amway Impact Grant funding does not support the following

  • Religious endeavors
  • Political, legislative or lobbying organizations
  • Individuals seeking personal help, travel support, scholarships or loans
  • Individual or team endorsements
  • General awareness campaigns
  • Marketing sponsorships, cause marketing or advertising projects
  • Movie, film or television documentaries
  • School athletic teams, bands, choirs, publications or advertisements
  • Sporting fundraising events
  • Athletic teams
  • Organizations outside of Kent County, MI.
What’s the process?

What’s the process?

  1. Review focus areas and eligibility requirements
  2. Complete application online
  3. Amway Grant Committee will respond with a decision within 60 days
  4. One application per organization will be considered annually
  5. We may request a meeting or site visit to help us better understand your organization or program
  6. Applications are accepted from February 1 to October 1 each year. For returning applicants, new Amway grant requests are welcome 12 months from your last application date.

Apply for an Impact Grant

Receipts & Reporting


  • Within 30 days of gift: Provide receipt adhering to IRS tax code
  • Email to


    • Within 1 year of gift: All reporting should be emailed to
    • Include impact measures os pre-determined in grant application
    • Application must demonstrate the community need AND have associated outcomes
    • Summarize program success (max 350 words)