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  1. What are the plans for products and farming?

    At the heart of our sustainability journey is our belief in the power of plants – their power for promoting wellbeing and delivering the best products to support consumers on their wellness journey. We are deeply committed to being good stewards of the Earth’s plants and to creating sustainably designed products across all Amway brands. Simply put, this means we are striving to further integrate regenerative agriculture practices and to design formulas and packaging with consciously chosen ingredients, reduced packaging waste and increased recycled content.

    That said, integrating sustainability into all aspects of our business is urgent, critical work. Our sustainability journey includes considering the entire lifecycle of our products, resources and operations as we advance our sustainability focus.

  2. What is regenerative agriculture?

    Regenerative agriculture describes farming practices that rebuild the soil organic matter and restore degraded soil biodiversity in croplands to enable the land to trap carbon from the air and improve the water cycle. This is a passion for us – Amway has a long history of sustainable farming practices that are regenerative, but our farms are always looking for better ways to do things. Our regenerative agriculture commitments include improving soil health, increasing biodiversity in our fields and conserving water – on our farms, our partner farms and at our other botanical suppliers.

    We will continue to seek new and innovative ways to honor the planet and encourage our ABOs and customers to do the same.

  3. Don’t Nutrilite farms already practice sustainable farming?

    Yes, but we are always seeking new ways to farm even more sustainably and regeneratively. Amway grows botanicals for many Amway products on nearly 6,000 acres of certified organic farmland, where we prioritize sustainable use of resources and traceability. Our farming practices protect soil health, minimize pollution and ensure the availability of quality water. We use nature to manage nature instead of using harsh pesticides and mechanical or hand- weeding instead of harsh herbicides.

    Some of our farms’ most notable practices are raising red earthworms to produce liquid biofertilizer, using leftover plant material as organic compost, controlling damaging crop pests with ladybugs and using falcons to scare crop-damaging birds away at harvest time.

  4. What are the plans for operational sustainability?

    Carbon reduction in operations is vastly important for the planet. Our strategy for more sustainable operations will center on:

    • Emissions: Reduce greenhouse gas emissions overall.
    • Energy: Minimize resource intensity, improve efficiency and shift to renewable energy.
    • Water: Reduce water use through efficiency improvements across operations.
    • Waste: Minimize generation of waste; ensure solid and liquid waste are responsibly diverted from landfills.

    As our strategy progresses for operations, we will share more specific goals and targets.

  5. Isn’t Amway already sustainable?

    Efforts to make our company more sustainable have been happening at Amway for a long time. We have made strides in reducing our environmental footprint in key areas – examples include our sustainable farms, traceability practices, packaging advancements, and use of renewable energy and waste reduction at our manufacturing sites. We are aligned to a strategy to enhance and progress our efforts.

  6. Why do you expect your sustainability action to evolve?

    Sustainability work is ever evolving as the urgency of needs evolve. The body of knowledge is increasing as companies collectively progress on their journeys, and tools that will help us make the greatest impact continue to mature. Further, we expect to discover exciting new opportunities within our own operations and products as our work progresses. We want to ensure that our planning is always purposeful, impactful and able to flex with new insights that emerge.