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Blending personal interests and passions into a career

“Living a healthy lifestyle can inspire creativity and teach discipline, adaptability and balance”

Ching Ling
10 years with Amway


ChingLing’s life as a mother and Amway Business Owner in Melaka, Malaysia is busy. She fills her days sharing the rich culture where she lives and the Amway products that she loves with her many followers. For ChingLing, work and life go hand in hand. “I like to blend my personal interests and passions with my career. Spending time helping people do important things, motivates me to do great work.”


Amway Global: What is your favorite hobby?
ChinLing: Playing sports! Being active improves my mental health and mood.

AG: Describe yourself in 3 words?
C: Calm, persistent, studious.

AG: Do you have a job other than being an Amway Business Owner?
C: No, I was introduced to Amway after graduation, and I can’t imagine a better career.

AG: What is your daily routine?
C: I always start and end my day the same way. I drink Nutrilite All Plant Protein and BodyKey Meal Replacement for breakfast and apply an Artistry Signature Select Mask (Hydrating and Purifying!) before bed.

AG: What is your personal motivation for selling Amway products?
C: I use the products first to gain confidence, then I share all the great benefits on social media! I set goals for the month based on interest from my followers.

AG: Where do you shoot social media content?
C: At home! That’s where I spend most my time with my husband and kids. I use extra lighting, stands, and decorate to make the space look nice.

AG: How does your passion help you live a healthy lifestyle?
C: A healthy lifestyle teaches me discipline, adaptability, and balance. It makes me a better version of myself for the people in my life that truly matter.

AG: What does community mean to you?
C: Community gives me a purpose greater than myself. We can reach for goals and be successful together.

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